ECDA New Item Form
We welcome the submission of new items for inclusion in the Early Caribbean Digital Archive, and we are happy to credit contributors on the site.

New items may be found in existing digitized collections that are held elsewhere or may be items that you digitize and forward to us. All new items will require completion of this form.

Format of submission:

Digital images of texts (.JPEG, .PNG, .PDF, or .TIFF) should be of a high-quality resolution (at least 300 PPI) and medium in size (around 1500 pixels max width). It is possible to submit images that have been taken with an iPhone, but often images that are made by digitization facilities at an archive are of higher quality and are thus more desirable. We are happy to work with you to determine if the images are of suitable quality for inclusion in the archive.

We also welcome image files (of texts) that are accompanied by transcriptions of the texts into digital format (.txt or .docx). Embedded slave narratives require such a transcription; the transcription of the embedded slave narrative will be entered into the archive as as separate item linked to the document from which it is drawn.


We have standing agreements with the following institutions: the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) (a joint project from Florida International University, University of Florida, and University of the Virgin Islands), The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, and The Beinecke Library at Yale University. Digitized materials from these institutions may be ingested into our archive with acknowledgment of the source and without additional written permission. Both the Internet Archive and Hathi Trust include some open source early Caribbean materials that may be ingested into the ECDA without special permission (and with attribution).  

If you are using material from an archive that we have not listed as a partner library above, we require written permission for the item to be included in our archive. We have a sample request for permission letter that we suggest you use to obtain permission.

Contextual Information:

We especially welcome new items that include Scholarly Introductions, but if that is not possible, please provide us with as much contextual information about the item as possible.
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